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What improvements will I notice on my program?
Simply put, you'll get better! Many patients see dramatic changes in a few short weeks. But Rome wasn't built in a day and, for most of you, your health didn't fall apart in a day either.
Western medicine, led on by the pharmaceutical giants (with plenty of help from the media), has capitalized on your desire for instantaneous relief even though it leads to more complications down the road. They offer toxic poisons in the form of drugs to treat the symptoms of starvation.
Well, you now have a safe, natural and effective option. But it must be emphasized that it may take a period of months for you to witness your health's transformation. After all, a garden doesn't come to fruition overnight and our bodies are compensating for a lot of previous abuse!
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 74 and 75, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
What is the Nutritional Healing Program?
The Nutrition Response Program is an individualized health improvement program designed to restore normal bodily function. The reason we succeed where others have failed is because we access the body's innate intelligence and combine it with our educated intelligence.
(The following is a quoted excerpt, page 75, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Where did Nutrition Response TestingSM Originate?
Nutrition Response Testing was composed and refined by Freddie Ulan, D.C., C.C.N., and Lester Bryman, D.C., C.D.N. It is based on decades of successful clinical outcomes helping sick people restore their health naturally - without drugs, without surgery, noninvasively and often relatively rapidly.
Nutrition Response Testing combines knowledge of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the body's system that controls all vital functions including metabolism (the chemical processes that occur in your body to maintain life) and repair, with the breakthroughs in applied and clinical kinesiology developed in the early 1960s. Nutrition Response Testing utilizes the most workable advancements and refinements in the field, including those of several notable medical researchers.
In this system, we do not "diagnose" or "treat" diseases. Instead, we use revolutionary tools that allow the trained practitioner to obtain a highly dependable assessment of a patient's current health status.
Combined with an understanding of anatomy, physiology, neurology, kinesiology and biochemistry, the assessment allows the trained practitioner to actually identify and correct the underlying causes of "dis-ease" rather than simply suppress symptoms. This is done by restoring nutritional balance which then promotes more normal physiological function.
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 67 and 68, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Who Can Benefit from a Nutritional Healing Program?
Take your pick. Anyone who wants to improve their health - or maintain the good health they currently enjoy. Anyone who wants to lose weight naturally and effectively without drugs or "miracle diets." Anyone who wants to boost their energy level, curb their sugar or carbohydrate cravings or take less medication. In other words, anyone who seriously wants to address his or her own body's "dis-ease!"
(The following quoted excerpt is from pages 72-73 of the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Weight Loss
I struggled with whether or not to start the "Symptoms and Ailments" section of this book with the subject of weight loss. On one hand, it is one of the most persistent and popular complaints mentioned by my patients. On the other hand, I hesitate to become part of the problem. By this I mean that I don't want to imply, by placing this chapter front and center, that weight loss is more important than, say, symptoms of painful conditions or even allergies.
Please understand that all of the maladies you'll be reading about, as well as the patient testimonials, are equally important. To whom? To you, the person suffering, from them. In fact, no pain is more important than the one you are suffering from at this very moment. Be it arthritis, post-surgical pain or simply persistent heartburn, physical suffering can become all-consuming. Pain grinds us down and shuts us off from the people we love, from what we do, and from how much we enjoy life.
So I'll begin this section with a quick caveat: Weight loss can be important, but in no way is Nutrition Response TestingSM a diet or weight-loss program. It just so happens that when you put Nutrition Response Testing and your personalized health improvement program to work your body immediately starts returning to that lovely state of balance, including restoring its power to heal.
As a result, patients first experience weight loss because of the release of "accumulated toxic waste products trapped in your body's individual cells. Often weight in the form of fat continues to fall off because of dietary modifications and subtle metabolic changes. Overall, balance is restored along with a strategy not only to get healthy but also to stay healthy.
The 'bottom line - you'll feel better and look better.
Weight-loss programs abound, from those that sell prepared . . foods like NutriSystem to those that don't, like Jenny Craig and L.A. Weight Loss. Plentiful, too, are fad diets like Atkins, South Beach and Blood Type. There are almost as many approaches to weight loss as there are diets. So how do you decide? Where do you begin?
The key to losing weight is identifying specific individualized factors we call "hold ups. " It's true that most everyone who reduces his or her caloric intake will lose weight. But once on your program of choice, did you fail to lose weight? Did you lose some weight and then stop or plateau? After you lost weight, did you feel healthier? Were you more energetic and free of symptoms? Were you able to maintain the weight-loss over time? Did you maintain your newly found health? Are you still looking for answers to any of these questions? If so, then you're definitely ready to identify your "hold -ups" - your hidden health problems.
Beth, a 40-year-old single mom with two teenage children, had always been dedicated to her health and that of her family. Whenever faced with health concerns, she always chose alternative approaches. But she suffered with almost constant digestive problems, chronic mouth soreness, difficult menstrual cycles (linked to uterine fibroids so plentiful that doctors insisted she have a hysterectomy to avoid cancer) and excess weight. She was devoted to a vegetarian lifestyle that included the consumption of soy and dairy products.
After her evaluation using Nutrition Response Testing, soy along with dairy were identified as foods she was sensitive to. Within one week of eliminating them from her diet, Beth's digestive complaints and mouth soreness disappeared. Her fibroids ultimately vanished, along with her difficult menstrual cycles, and she avoided a hysterectomy.
Following years of trying to lose weight, within two weeks she lost over 10 pounds. All told, she has lost over 80 pounds. The process has taken three years, with several periods of rest or what are often referred to as "plateaus." Today, her hair, skin and nails are vibrant and her health remains elevated as she rarely finds herself prone to colds.
But don't take Beth's word for it. This chapter is loaded with testimonials from people just like her who've discovered Nutrition Response Testing. They've embraced their personalized health improvement program as a healthy, safe and proven alternative to those fad diets that, let's face it, rarely work.
These folks found the answer to the question you've been asking for a long time - why haven't those fad diets worked for me? More fundamentally, how do I decide which one to choose in the first place?
Take Virginia, who wrote, "I thought I was very healthy. I worked long hours, slept well and took too little time off, but I had a dry cough that was embarrassing, craved sweets and wanted to lose weight. I squeezed into Curves once a day for one month and managed to lose five pounds. [But my symptoms remaine]. [After being evaluated using Nutrition Response Testing and being on my program], my cough disappeared unless I ate foods I was supposed to avoid. What's more, I've lost 10 pounds and my sugar cravings AND I've had compliments about my [new] appearance.
I hear this refrain from many patients. It seems as if the ongoing battle to lose weight has taken over their lives. Finding a process that helps them control their weight really helps them feel rejuvenated and, more importantly, restores their hope for a better quality of life.
As part of this rejuvenation we experience less brain fog, more emotional stability and more energy. I liken weight loss to unpacking a heavy backpack during a long, arduous hike. The more weight we carry, the harder it is to climb, jog, walk or sprint. As we shed pounds, our body's "backpack" gets lighter and our movements easier. More energy is a very natural and welcome result.
The problem with most weight-loss programs, however, is that they don't result in whole-body wellness; their sole target is weight loss and the rest is optional. As a result, many people on these shortsighted programs get only half-hearted results - or none at all. The point is they continue to experience some chronic symptoms and they are often the victims of the dreaded dieter's plateau.
"AD" hit the dieter's plateau - and hard. "Before the [Nutrition Response Testing] program, " he explained, "I had lost about 10 pounds following a low carbohydrate diet. My weight stayed the same for at least a year. When I started seeing Paul for Nutrition Response Testing, I had a number of symptoms I wanted to address and weight was one of them. Since I have been tested, I have lost 15 pounds. It was difficult at first to figure out what foods to eat, but a few weeks into the program it got easier and easier. I like this plan because I don't have to count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates. I simply don't eat the four foods I tested negative for. Not only have I lost weight, but also I feel better emotionally as well, I react to crisis and sadness in my life much better now."
Plateaus are a common challenge with many weight-loss programs. Here is another similar story with an equally happy ending. "RR" suffered from a stubborn weight-loss plateau and fatigue, a standard combination that in my profession seems to go together like burgers and fries.
"My weight loss had plateaued despite being on a low carb diet, " explains "RR." "My energy was down. I had to drink coffee to make it through the day. My weight loss resumed three days after starting the [Nutrition Response Testing] program. Now I have increased, dependable energy. I was able to stop drinking coffee .... "
"RR" quickly discovered - in three days, no less - the causal relationship between overcoming a weight-loss plateau and experiencing more energy. This causal relationship is one enjoyed by many of my patients. Take "BW" for instance.
"[After Nutrition Response Testing] my energy level is much higher than it has been for a long time now. I have lost 8-10 pounds without doing anything different other than changing my diet and taking the supplements. "
All of these enthusiastic patients learned that weight loss is more than just about fitting back into those jeans you wore last year or buying a whole new wardrobe in a smaller size. They were touched by whole body wellness.
Weight loss is a function of weight management. But more importantly, that management must be based on a personalized health improvement program designed to achieve whole body wellness. Much like we need to get off the pharmaceutical bandwagon and quit believing the hype about "a pill for every ill," so, too, do we need to quit focusing on weight loss along as the panacea to whole body wellness.
We must quit believing that "starvation leads to salvation!"
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 79-86, from the Book The Great Health Heist© by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Over 20 million people are type-2 diabetics, with another 54 million ready to join their ranks as pre-diabetics. The scary part is that over half the pre-diabetics don't even know they are in danger.
In a June 19, 2007 article, Reuters reported that one out of every eight U.S. federal health care dollars is spent treating people with diabetes. The study, based on federal spending data from 2005, found that it cost $79.7 billion more to treat people with diabetes than those without.
As of 2002, over $132 billion was spent treating diabetes and all it's complications. This last figure will surely rise.
Sales of medicines to treat diabetes are projected to soar 60- 68 percent by 2009 from 2006 levels. In 2005, total drug sales reached almost $10 billion. And over the next 30 years, diabetes is expected to claim the lives of 62 million Americans.
What exactly is diabetes? According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), "Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles."
Unfortunately, the ADA appears to be one of the main reasons diabetics remain diabetic, especially those diagnosed with type 2 symptoms. For one thing, despite the 2005 revision of the government's food pyramid both versions recommend consuming whole grains. This is not necessarily a bad thing but in the case of a diabetic, the ADA's failure to warn off such consumption is concerning. This is because grains, like sugar and other concentrated sweeteners, are high-glycemic foods and cause a spike in insulin production, simply adding to a diabetic's insulin resistance.
And I am here to tell you: Any diabetic who continues to eat grains (things like bread, pasta, tortillas and Chinese takeout rice), while thinking it is okay, is simply in denial. Such a person is misinformed and doing him or herself great harm! For another, Western medicine and the ADA subscribe to the notion that diabetes is a disease of blood sugar. But high blood sugar is the symptom of diabetes, not the cause. Current research reveals that diabetes is actually a disease of hormone signaling. Normal hormone signaling, or control, depends on a "happy" endocrine system. Normalize the endocrine system and you've got the solution.
Comprised of the glands (pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus; pancreas, which is a digestive organ as well, ovaries/testis and adrenals) and the hormones they produce, the endocrine system regulates most of the body's organs, cells and their functions. Acting as a kind of "command central," the endocrine system helps regulate mood, metabolism, development and growth, tissue function and reproduction.
Moreover, the proper functioning of the endocrine system, especially as it relates to the pancreas (the insulin-producing gland), depends on a fully functional autonomic nervous system (autonomic meaning self-regulating or regulating without your willful control); both of these systems must be unhindered and properly nourished to maintain normal operation. If you are pre-diabetic or a confirmed diabetic, herein lies the rub.
If you don't find the hidden health problems hindering your endocrine and/or autonomic nervous systems and focus only on managing blood sugar, then you will remain a diabetic for life. Well, now you have a choice! Why fight your pains and ills with one hand tied behind your back?
So how do we restore proper operation to your endocrine system? Answer: by using Nutrition Response TestingSM to find the missing piece, which is your body's hidden health problem. And for heaven's sake, stop eating grains and sugar. When you make a commitment to follow your new personalized health improvement program to the letter, you will have no more blood sugar problems.
"Bill," a middle-aged man in otherwise good health, had recently been given bad news. His blood sugars were climbing. He was put on an oral drug, Metformin, and told to watch his diet. Fortunately for Bill, the drugs were not working well. He noticed that the symptoms he suffered (fatigue, brain fog and migrating body pains) just got worse. After a good deal of soul searching he reached a crossroads. He decided to pursue alternative methods to handle his blood sugar problems and responded to my radio program, "Health Matters," in Portland, Oregon.
After undergoing an evaluation at my clinic, Bill got his individualized heal improvement program and started following it. Within two weeks, his blood sugars dropped. His brain was clear and he found his energy returning to a less painful body. As of this writing, his blood sugars are normal without any medications.
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 86-89, from the book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Often I see patients who can't pinpoint their ills, syndromes or special conditions. There is no simple box for them to check or blank for them to fill in on the intake form where you record what ails you. They, like so many Americans, suffer from fatigue, poor sleep (often labeled insomnia) and what I call a "general sense of malaise" that is both insidious and disastrous.
Many of these patients feel guilty about complaining because, really, they have no specific complaint. They can't put a label on how they feel, so they say nothing. And gradually this fatigue, insomnia and general malaise gets worse. They wake up morning after morning, feeling ten to twenty years older, and always behind the eight ball. They can't understand why they just don't feel good and why other people seem so happy, joyful, lively and full of zest.
They don't know what's wrong; they just know something's wrong.
Americans like to label things. We like definitions, buzz words, catchphrases and, in particular, diagnoses that suit us exactly. High cholesterol, overactive bladder, arthritis, hypertension, even stress are all conditions easily identified, quickly labeled and conveniently "suppressed" or "managed", not cured, mind you. These conditions are commonly managed using toxic prescription drugs, all of which have harmful side effects. But what about symptoms that aren't neatly categorized on the intake forms you fill out at your healthcare practitioner's office? What if there's not enough space on the little blank marked "Other" for you to explain why you just don't feel right?
How do we label that? How do we treat it? How do we cure it? Unfortunately, and more often than we'd like to realize, many such people are labeled with depression and walk out of their doctor's offices with antidepressant medications like Prozac or Zoloft - more drugs with harmful side effects.
In this chapter (of the book The Great Health Heist - click below for further material from this chapter) I discuss three conditions common to this generally unpleasant feeling of "something's wrong with me; I just don't know what" condition and provide a drug-free alternative:
- Fatigue Versus Chronic Fatigue
- Fatigue and Insomnia
- Adrenal Exhaustion or Thyroid Fatigue"
(The following quoted excerpt is from pages 91-93 of the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Fatigue Versus Chronic Fatigue
What is the difference between fatigue and chronic fatigue? Where is the threshold between just plain feeling tired and just plain "sick and tired" of feeling tired? How do you know when your fatigue turns chronic? Or when it is no longer chronic?
The least scientific explanation I can give for the difference between fatigue and chronic fatigue is that it rarely matters to the person who is just plain tired. It just so happens that the most scientific explanation I can give for the difference between fatigue and chronic fatigue is that it rarely matters to the person who is just plain tired!
I'm not being flip; this is really how my patients feel about fatigue. Some come in right away because they've felt tired for a few days. Others wait until they've felt fatigued for months, sometimes even years, before they are tempted to consider the fact that their fatigue might be chronic.
The folks at MedicineNet.com determine fatigue to be "a condition characterized by a lessened capacity for work and reduced efficiency of accomplishment, usually accompanied by a feeling of weariness and tiredness." Sounds about right.
MedicineNet.com defines chronic fatigue as "a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue of six months or longer duration that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity."
Clearly, both definitions point to quantifiable and quite justifiable symptoms. Yet often there remains no specific laboratory test, or such tests fail to reveal anything obvious or reveal something that turns out to be the effect and not the root cause. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, insist that "as many as 500,000 Americans suffer from some type of chronic fatigue." I know this figure should be much higher because, in addition to the various specific maladies my patients report, fatigue and chronic fatigue are often cosymptoms.
"DM" came to me suffering from fatigue along with some other common symptoms I see quite often. Happily his story ended well. "I didn't have the energy to do much, even with only working part time," he had complained. "I usually felt worn out. Now [after Nutrition Response TestingSM], I feel more alert and positive. I wake upfeeling more awake. I don't feel worn out even after exercising."
In contrast, "FB" had symptoms that were slightly more aggravating. "I was a basket case, tired, felt lousy and had no energy," she complained. "I would have to push myself to do something. Now [after Nutrition Response Testing] I have more energy and get-up-and-go. It is not a struggle to do things."
For "DM" and "FB," their complaints were generally fatigue-related. My next two patients weren't so lucky, and each suffered with chronic fatigue in their own unique way.
"LH" was diagnosed with chronic fatigue because of the duration and severity of his symptoms. Like many sufferers of this ailment, he had a combination of symptoms that went hand-in-hand with chronic fatigue. He explains: "I was always tired, caught many colds that would last for weeks, had knee pain, low energy, and felt run down. Now [with Nutrition Response Testing, my energy is solid. I am able to hike for six to eight miles without the use of hiking poles. I haven't had any more colds or knee pain, and am sleeping well. I am feeling very healthy and strong. "
These symptoms were more severe than some sufferers of chronic fatigue, and less severe than others who fall victim to this insidious ailment. Take "MS," for instance. Like many who suffer from chronic fatigue, she found herself being misdiagnosed, again and again, by the established medical community. These are her words:
"I was experiencing extreme pain; I felt sick, weak, and could not eat or hold down any food. I went from doctor to doctor for 10 years trying to find out what or why my body was feeling the way it was. I went through multiple tests without finding a solution. I was told I would have to live like this, but this wasn't living. I felt like I was slowly dying. My weight had gone down to 100 pounds.
"I have been coming to see Paul Rosen for three months now. I have more strength, am able to eat some foods, and my weight is up to 117pounds. I go out in public more and I'm not sick or in pain like I was [after being on my Nutrition Response Testing program]. I feel stronger than I have in 10 years and feel like I'm actually going to make it back out into life again. I still have a long way to go, but this is all worth it."
Her problems may sound extreme, but symptoms like those experienced by "MS" are more common than you think. If they sound familiar, don't wait as long as she did - seek help now.
So what if you can't pinpoint your symptoms or put a name to what you are feeling? You know when your body is out of whack or isn't feeling right. And let me remind you about something: Don't ever be embarrassed about what a doctor or healthcare practitioner might think. They are just people with problems like yours and they are there to help.
If you are unhappy with the results of a particular treatment program, speak up and say so. Don't be passive. Be aggressive in the pursuit of better health - if, in fact, you are really willing to get down to work. Suspend your judgment and don't be afraid to pursue non-traditional methods. Demand that someone listen. Be persistent.
Better health, after all, can be yours - but you have to want it. I am here to tell you not to settle for the status quo while there is hope out there available to you. Don't be a victim of your current physical state. Overcome your fear and suspend your judgment. Now, there is an alternative.
Get evaluated using Nutrition Response Testing. It's painless. It's non-invasive. It will provide a personalized program with powerful results. Are you ready, as my spiritual teacher reminds us, to be the hero of your own life? What are you waiting for?
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 93-98, from the book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Fatigue and Insomnia
Few maladies are as frustrating as the battle between fatigue and insomnia. This "circle of strife" feeds upon itself daily, making it harder to treat and more frustrating by degrees. Sleep becomes like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that is always just out of reach. As a result, it takes on an almost mythical presence; it consumes us and makes obtaining the sleep we need so badly even harder.
If you have ever suffered from insomnia, you know that it can be a horrific experience. Like a snowball getting bigger and bigger as it rolls downhill, the effects of insomnia combine throughout the days, the weeks, and even the months to create dozens of offshoot symptoms that make life miserable. Some of these include irritability, anxiety, diminishing physical performance and, not surprisingly, fatigue.
"EW" experienced this dreadful combination of insomnia plus fatigue recently and was kind enough to share his success story with us:
"I was tired through the day and had difficulty sleeping [insomnia]. I was concerned with my excess weight and not getting the results I was hoping for from cutting calories and exercise. [Following my Nutrition Response TestingSM evaluation], I am learning what types of food I should be eating and can tell now when I have eaten something I shouldn't have. I sleep soundly at night and have a lot more energy throughout the day. In fact, I am working 50 to 60 hours a week and I have been able to stay energized throughout the long way. Everyone around me is constantly wondering how I have the energy to work these long hours and many of these people complain of their own lack of energy. Guess what? I am starting to refer my family and friends [to your clinic]!"
"LS" expressed the same type of frustration and ennui when she wrote me saying, "I felt like I needed to do something different. I didn't know what, but I needed to do something."
"LS" was fortunate that she had caring friends in the know. She explains:
"When I came to visit, my son, my daughter-in-law and my daughter Cindy convinced me to [be evaluated using Nutrition Response Testing]. I lacked the energy I had before three surgeries in my knee and a staph infection. I found I truly needed a nap. I felt old. After less than a week of being on the nutrition program, I have noticed an increase in my endurance and. strength. No more naps. I don't feel tired. I am also sleeping better at night. I haven't taken a stool softener either, no problem with hard stools. I am very pleased with these results, can't wait to see more. "
Our final anecdote reveals how "AD" overcame both his insomnia and subsequent fatigue following his program designed using Nutrition Response Testing.
"My energy was low," explains "AD" (like many of my patients). "I had a sluggish feeling. My sleep was often interrupted by general feelings of anxiety. My weight wasn't holding steady. My thinking wasn't very clear. I was on a mild antidepressant. Since being on the [Nutrition Response Testing] program, I have more energy. I have a generally lighter feeling. I've been off the antidepressants for about three months now. I am sleeping much better and my thinking is definitely clearer. My overall outlook is more accepting and positive. "
Don't let insomnia rule your life - or contribute to your fatigue. Seek help sooner rather than later. Experience the blissful feeling of whole-body wellness that becomes yours – forever – when you embark upon a personalized health improvement program based upon the safe, healthy and effective technology called Nutrition Response Testing.
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 98-102, from the Book The Great Health Heist ©by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Adrenal Exhaustion or Thyroid Fatigue
(A Case of Misdirection)
Some conditions extend beyond the scope of general feelings of fatigue, or even chronic fatigue and. insomnia. "JB" was convinced that her previously diagnosed condition of adrenal exhaustion was the root of her illness. When I first saw her, she was confused, frustrated, in tears and at the end of her rope. Little did she know that her Nutrition Response TestingSM evaluation would soon provide the definitive path toward her experience of whole-body wellness:
"Before I began Paul Rosen's treatment plan [based on Nutrition Response Testing] two months ago, I was always exhausted, too thin, suffering from continual and seemingly random allergies to food and environmental substances. I felt like a limp rag after pushing my body to the edge of exhaustion with stressful work for many years.
"An ASI saliva test diagnosed me with Total Adrenal Failure Level 7 and a blood test showed a viral condition. My skin was thin, pale and slightly green. I was weak and unable to concentrate. I had to stop my exercise routine, and needed to rest in bed a great deal during daytime hours. I felt confused and desperate.
"My mealtimes were unpleasant, as my digestive organs contracted with pain frequently during and after mealtimes, as if they didn't want to accept what I was eating. My stomach remained full and bloated for three to six hours after mealtimes. I had eliminated many things from my diet, following an electronic allergy test. But my reactions did not agree with the allergy test, so I didn't know what to eat and what not to eat. My bowels were irregular and too hard or too soft.
"For two months I have been following Paul Rosen's treatment plan and taking supplements with every meal. I have completely eliminated from my diet sugar, wheat, corn, soy and dairy. I added more protein to my diet, and eliminated most sweet fruits, as Paul Rosen suggested.
"Now after two months, I am not as tired and I can concentrate just fine. My food reactions are no longer random, they are extremely clear, and occur only if I eat any of the five things I am to eliminate from my diet. Mealtimes are pleasant and relaxing, as my digestive organs accept and digest what I eat. My digestion is still slow, but it is functioning. My digestion has stabilized. My bowels are regular once to twice per day, easy and clean.
"I have eliminated sugars from my diet, and I have no more sugar cravings. I have started to walk one mile three times a week. My circulation is improving and I have color in my skin. I feel physical stability in my life. I feel like I am in control of my health."
The reason what happened to "JB" is so important is because none of the standard saliva, blood and hair tests she took picked up the "missing piece" that would allow her body to begin the healing process. They failed her completely. In fact, these standard tests revealed a condition that wasn't even the real or root cause of her problem. Despite the assuredly caring efforts of many practitioners, both conventional and alternative, the diagnosis of "Total Adrenal Failure Level 7" given to her, while theoretically valid, failed to reveal that it was really her thyroid that needed attention.
With her body's stressors removed and proper diet and nutritional supplementation provided, "JB" fought her way back to health. Today she experiences the whole-body wellness that is part and parcel of balanced living. She found the "missing piece" – and so can you.
Stop living in isolation and fear. You are not necessarily the problem. It may well be that the diagnostic tests you and your practitioner assumed would reveal the answer fell short. And it only follows that the prescribed treatment program consequently fell short. In this way, even good treatments can fail. Some pieces of the puzzle are continually missed by the standard tests designed with a "one test fits all people" philosophy. Does this sound far too familiar?
If you have even the slightest doubt as to whether or not you are experiencing whole-body wellness, I encourage you to give alternative medicine a try. And why would you wait another minute to experience a better quality of life?
After all, in my humble opinion, it's not about how long we live. Rather, it's the quality of our experience with the time we're given on Planet Earth hat truly matters. Ask those people who have witnessed their health deteriorate and then had it subsequently restored.
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 102-106, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Digestive Conditions
Digestive conditions are now so common that they are experienced by millions of people each year. How many millions? Since there are so many digestive conditions (see the following list), it would give the author - and the reader - an "ulcer" (get it?) to track down the separate statistics on each and catalog them here.
Many digestive conditions are said to be inherited, or due to genetics. But when you look at genetics more closely, what health concern isn't related in some way to inherited genetic traits? The real question to ask is what triggers your genetic traits to manifest a health problem.
As it turns out, foods are one of those triggers. And, of course, most digestive upsets come from what we put in our mouths, whether it is liquid or solid. So, in a very real way, digestive conditions begin with poor eating decisions that rely on quick, convenient, fast, processed, zapped, fried or other "junk" food.
Environmental factors like chemicals, heavy metals and immune challenges (such as parasites) can play a role as well. And all digestive conditions are aggravated by stress and worry. Below are the most common digestive conditions I see - and successfully handle - in my practice:
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 127-132, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)
Acid Reflux
(Not Just Your Grandfather's Heartburn)
With so many digestive ailments presenting themselves to patients these days, I could write a book on digestive issues alone. However, one particular condition I do see more and more is acid reflux, and I want to address it specifically in a section of its own.
It is estimated that 5% to 7% of the global population, including infants and children, suffer from gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Although common, GERD often goes undiagnosed because its symptoms are either downplayed or misunderstood. Left untreated, this condition can lead to serious complications, including scarring of the esophagus, and may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.
So how do you know if you have GERD and not something else? While you should be sure to check for a hiatal hernia first, persistent heartburn with acid reflux is the most frequent complication of GERD. Other symptoms include chest pain, hoarseness in the morning, or trouble swallowing. The backup of digestive fluids in the esophagus may also cause dry cough, bad breath and acid indigestion. However, it is possible to have this condition without experiencing any apparent symptoms.
Conventional Western medical treatment involves acid suppressing drugs such as Prilosec, Nexium and Zantac. For advanced cases where there has been considerable damage to the body, surgery may be proposed. But in my experience: GERD began and continues to be a functional disorder - nothing more. And surprise, surprise! The overwhelming majority of my cases reveal the real cause of chronic heartburn to be too little digestive juices like pepsin (the protein-digesting enzyme) and hydrochloric acid. You heard me right! (We'll get back to this in a minute.)
Drug treatments, including the ever-popular over-the-counter antacids, are all about suppressing the warning sign - heartburn. Not only does this overlook the real cause of the disorder, but it is the basis for food allergies, bowel disorders and calcium-related problems including the compromise of our immune system. Some common conditions that may result include chronic fatigue (due to anemia), fibromyalgia, chronic sinus infections, IBS, celiac disease and osteoporosis.
For example, by shutting down hydrochloric acid production you shut down your body's ability to break down proteins and foods containing calcium. Incomplete breakdown of proteins can lead to larger than usual bits that, when absorbed in the gut, may be marked by your immune system as an "invader." Over a period of time, your body's defenders react to the slightest amount of these "bits," thereby creating food allergies. Food allergies are the basis of so many conditions like fatigue, chronic sinus infections and autoimmune disorders.
Calcium is important for, among other things, maintaining heart, muscle and bone health as well as for your immune system disrupt the body's proper calcium supply or calcium handling and trouble is around the comer. Shutting down the acid production of the stomach disrupts the proper breakdown of calcium-containing foods. For the body to be able to extract calcium, a highly acidic gut is crucial. Lack of bio-available calcium can lead to heart arrhythmias, muscle cramps, a weakened immune system and osteoporosis.
Okay, enough of the scare tactics. Like I said, acid reflux is a functional disorder. This means the autonomic nervous system is trying to tell you that an organ or a gland is not a happy camper. And over time nutritional deficiencies will compromise the proper function of the endocrine system.
Although we rarely think about them, the glands of the endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ and function of our bodies. The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function and metabolism, as well as sexual function, reproductive processes and digestive functions. Yes, the endocrine system regulates stomach acid production.
Dr. Royal Lee observed that stomach acid regulation is related to the pituitary gland. Provide proper nutrition for the pituitary and magic happens. Of course, there may be other stressors involved, but a complete nutrition evaluation using Nutrition Response Testing will reveal the root cause of the problem. I have handled this functional condition successfully many times. Here is a story that is so inspiring I want to share it with you in its entirety.
"SR," a 51-year-old woman, came to my office complaining of a five-year history of acid reflux. She was a blonde woman, small and well-proportioned. She always appeared 'just so" with make up and colorful clothes. She sat on the table and told a story that is a typical one in my clinic.
She began to experience indigestion, which gradually worsened. At first she tried to figure out which foods caused the problem. But even after discovering a few things, like tomatoes, she found no real pattern to her condition. The only thing she realized was that the condition was getting worse - and not better.
She began her medical intervention by visiting her doctor, who prescribed one drug after another, which either didn't work or worked to some degree but caused side effects she wasn't willing to live with. As each drug failed, she became more and more desperate. Feeling hope slip away, she had a conversation with her doctor's assistant, who told her about my clinic and Nutrition Response TestingSM.
As it turns out, "SR" put it off. (Sound familiar?) In fact, in her case she admitted that it was because she was "afraid to fail again." She felt that if Nutrition Response Testing failed she wouldn't know what to do next. It took over a year after first hearing of my work before she brushed aside her fears and finally got evaluated. Her result has been a blessing. Here is how she expressed herself:
"I used to go to bed with horrible heartburn. I would wake up with heartburn that would persist well into the day. I felt like I had swallowed acid. I would continually burpfire! Now, the heartburn is gone; even if I should eat before bed, I wake up without the upset stomach and raw esophagus.
"I suffered from acid reflux for at least five years. I went through all the medical tests and was given drugs. None of them worked very well. One that did caused horrible side effects. I didn't know what to do. My doctor's assistant told me about Paul Rosen but I waited over a year before seeing him. I was afraid that if what he did didn't work then what would I do? After being on my nutritional program for three months I rarely have any heartburn. The nice thing is that I now know what foods I am sensitive to so I have the power to avoid heartburn or reflux. I now have real hope that I won't have to live with this miserable condition."
Again, digestive conditions don't necessarily begin - or end with acid reflux. Recall the veritable "laundry list" of concerns I listed at the beginning of this chapter, including bloating, food allergies and constipation among nearly a dozen others. Don't think that just because what you're feeling doesn't fall under this admittedly large umbrella Nutrition Response Testing won't work for you. It will:
All you have to do is get evaluated ...
(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 133-139, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)