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    • Ideal daily water intake
    • Optimal sleeping habits and circadian rhythms
    • Exercise: when to Work-IN and when to Work-OUT
    • When to eat and when not to eat
    • What to eat and what not to eat
    • The best cookware for your health
    • The best non-toxic cosmetics
    • The best non-toxic personal care products
    • Protecting yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation (cell phone, wifi, etc)
    • And much more!
    • Clinical Nutraceuticals & BioTransformation Shakes
    • Complete How-To Manual & Lifestyle Guide
    • Step-by-Step Meal Plan, Meal Prep & Grocery Lists
    • 100+ Recipe Body Transformation Cookbook
    • Diet, Exercise & Sleep Log Analysis
    • Internal Organ, Gland & Body System Analysis
    • 24/7 Support and Dedicated ReBoot Coach
    • 100% Money Back Guarantee
    • And much more!

WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU – start to feel your best in just 21 days!

What Is a ReBoot

The ReBoot Body Transformation Protocol is a 21-day full body detoxification protocol specifically designed to remove cellular level toxicity via the different body elimination systems so that the body can function at an optimal level of health, vitality and performance--the way it’s designed to.

You’re not designed to feel tired. You’re not designed to be sick. You’re not designed to be in a state of chronic pathology and dis-ease.

You’re designed to thrive!

And the 3-weeks on protocol is the beginning of a brand new, thriving you -- a journey towards a state of optimal health, vitality and performance so ultimately you can feel at your best!

Case Study


"Jon, I am doing great!! Down 14 lbs now in 14 days. Lots of energy that lasts all day. I am really feeling good and the best thing is that I am on week 2 of no methotrexate and feel fine.. I hate that prescription drug!! My psoriatic arthritis is getting better every day. My skin noticeably has less inflammation, slowly but amazing! Looking forward to week 3!"

- Clare R.


Body System Charts



    • Lost 18+ pounds in 21 days
    • Psoriatic Arthritis improved including pain (and learned what foods were causing flare ups)
    • Skin improved
    • Hair stopped falling out
    • Chronic heartburn subsided
    • More energy to play with her kids
    • Waking alert
    • Off all medications
    • Multiple body systems improved, including liver/gall bladder, immune, GI function, glucose regulation, musculoskeletal and more

Before/After Psoriatic Arthritis Improvement

Why Do I Need ReBoot

Today we live in a ubiquitous world of toxicity unlike the one our great grandparents (and everyone before them from the beginning of human history) once lived in. Today there are over 70,000+ chemicals in your blood stream that your great grandparents did not have in theirs. Chemicals from the pesticide-laden food we eat, polluted air we breathe, suspect tap (and bottled) water we drink and/or bathe in, dirty cosmetic and personal care items we use, to the surrounding environments in our own home and office; your body is being bombarded daily with a foreign invader chemical cocktail of hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, growth & development toxins and more that the liver and other detoxification systems in your body are working overtime 24/7/365 to eliminate!

This type of constant "chemical cocktail" invading the body is what can lead to the detoxification defense systems breaking down, toxins entering the blood stream and ultimately, into the cell, causing cellular dysfunction over time that can lead to pain, fatigue, chronic pathology and dis-ease.

A 21-day ReBoot Protocol is the transformation “jump start” your organ, gland and body systems need to begin targeting and getting rid of the cellular level accumulation of toxicity built up in your body over decades of time. As we begin removing the toxic junk, our body can begin to normalize and function at an optimal level of health, vitality and performance once again!

Case Study


"I feel amazing! I now notice several benefits besides just weight loss. My skin is clearing up and getting really soft and smooth, and skin and hair aren't oily anymore. My allergies and asthma have subsided. I fall asleep fast, stay asleep all night and wake up with ease, alert and ready to start the day. My work focus has improved and a lot of my lazy bad habits are disappearing as I now take pride in cooking and cleaning up all my meals. My cravings have all gone away, which I thought was never possible. I now realize what a food addict I was..."

- Jarod L.


Body System Charts



    • Lost 13+ pounds in 1 week and 20+ pounds lost overall in 21 days
    • Improved sleep
    • Cravings gone
    • Allergies subsided
    • Asthma subsided
    • Appetite improved
    • Skin and hair improved
    • Multiple body systems improved, including liver/gall bladder, GI function, glucose regulation overall mood and more

What Do I Eat On Protocol

For 21 days you’ll be eating specific, protocol-friendly foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks, to satiety. On ReBoot, we want you to eat! This is not a deprivation cleanse or juice detox.

All protocols come with full meal plans, grocery lists, meal prep guides, the Body Transformation Shakes book and The Body Transformation Cookbook which includes endless options so the food you eat doesn’t get boring and monotonous.Breakfast burritos, mac n’ cheese, tacos and more epic recipes await you!

All Protocols Come With:

How-to Manual

Grocery Lists, Meal Plans,
Meal Prep How-to And More

Body Transformation Shakes Book

Body Transformation Cookbook

The Books Are Filled With Over 150+ Delicious Body Transformation Recipe Ideas You Can Use For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Snacking

Meal Plan

Exercise Plan

Lifestyle Guide

24/7 Support

Daily Coaching Emails Delivered To Your Inbox

Online Resources And Support Community

All Accessible On Any Device You Choose

Case Study


"I have clear skin again! Initially on protocol I had some redness, rash & acne increase but after 7 days my skin has finally started to heal. The redness is going down, the bad acne at my mouth and jaw line is subsiding and the old acne scars are starting to heal. I also noticed additional skin benefits such as my skin looks like it is glowing, it's not as oily and my pores appear smaller & fine lines are not as visible. I'm so excited to see my results at 21 days and continue with dialing in afterwards!"

- Shelly


Body System Charts



    • Lost 12 pounds in 21 days
    • Rosacea improved
    • Cystic acne improved
    • Old acne scars cleared up
    • Fine lines less visible
    • Overall improved skin glow
    • Anxiety improved
    • Multiple body systems improved, including immune, thyroid function, GI function, adrenal function

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect On ReBoot

Everyone is different, but once you begin removing toxicity from the cells, you’ll find the body begins to function at an optimal level again. Common transformations people have experienced include:

      • Fat loss: Fat stores toxins. It’s a protection mechanism the body has adapted to protect the organs and glands. As we begin removing the toxicity, the fat cells “holding” onto the toxicity begin to go with it. On average females typically lose 10-12+ lbs. in 21 days. Males 12-15+ lbs.

      • Energy: Less fatigue and more sustained energy throughout your day

      • Sleep: Sound sleep and waking alert

      • Beauty: Externally many see improved radiant skin, shining hair and glowing eyes

      • Mental: Improved motivation and less mental stress, including mood swings, anger, feelings of depression and brain fog

      • Fertility: For both male and female. Pregnancy is all about hormones, and as we begin removing toxic hormone disruptors the male/female body can become more fertile (see the case history just below)

      • Chronic problems: Many chronic problems and conditions individuals have dealt with for years can begin to transform as we "clean up" the body internally and allow the body’s internal healing mechanisms to do its job effectively. Skin conditions, joint pain, gut inflammation and chronic pain or fatigue are just to name a few of the areas a ReBoot Protocol can begin transforming!

Overall Experience: A new, eye-awakening “fooducation” about diet & lifestyle and how to dial in your body not only during the 21-days on protocol, but well beyond for long term health & wellness success so you can experience optimal health, vitality and performance and ultimately FEELING YOUR BEST!

Case Study

Case Study


"ReBoot transformed my body and gave real results where diets have failed in the past.I've tried them all,and struggled with my weight all my life.Fad diets just don't work,ReBoot does!I lost 24 pounds in 3 weeks, and 100+ pounds overall.Highly highly recommend."

- Tom


Body System Charts



    • Lost 24+ pounds in 21 days
    • Sleeping problems improved
    • More sustained energy
    • Overall mood improved
    • Multiple body systems improved, including GI function, adrenals, glucose regulation, musculoskeletal, immune, CNS function, thyroid function

Have questions or need help deciding which protocol package is best for you?

Please fill out this brief form to connect with our support staff and they’ll be happy to assist you.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

© 2025 Nutrition You Can Trust LLC

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