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this month specials - $50 off
this month specials - $100 off
this month specials - $300 off
this month specials - $300 off
All Supplements and Shakes
All Supplements and Shakes
Your complete ReBoot protocol including all of your supplements and shakes.
Your ReBoot Protocol comes with the following products:
- Trim Body Blend x 2
- Whey Peptein x 2
- Galactan x 1
- Premier Greens x 1
- Cleanse Blend (capsules) x 1
- Medi-Clay FX x 1
- Essential Fatty Acids (capsules) x 1
- Premier HCL x 2
- HCL Activator x 1
- D3 Serum x 1
- Max-B ND (2oz) x 1
ReBoot How-To Guide
ReBoot How-To Guide
Complete foods list, meal suggestion and supplement / shake how-to guide.
7-Day Email Support
7-Day Email Support
Unlimited email support with an NYCT practitioner from Day 1 - Day 7 of your protocol. This time period is used to address any questions and fine tune your protocol for its 21-day duration.
ReBoot Daily "Reminders"
ReBoot Daily "Remainders"
Summarized list of all recommendations during your protocol, including:
- - Meal plan customization based on your current schedule and lifestyle
- - Ideal water consumption
- - Exercise recommendations
- - Stress self-evaluation
- - Optimal sleeping habits
Unlimited Email Support
Unlimited Email Support
30-day unlimited email support with an NYCT Practitioner during your 21-day protocol and post-protocol.
Initial Consult &
Health History Review
with an NYCT PractitionerInitial Consult & Health History Review with an NYCT Practitioner
20-min phone consult to review health history and address any/all initial questions or concerns regarding your protocol
Health Appraisal Questionnaire
(HAQ) and consultationHealth Appraisal Questionnaire (HAQ) and consultation
HIGHLY RECOMMMENDED. The HAQ is a non-invasive, complete full body analysis of 29 organ and glandular systems for functional pathology (i.e. potential "disease processes" in the making). Each body system is assessed at a HIGH-MODERATE-LOW priority Pre-ReBoot, and then graphed visually by an NYCT Practitioner. Post-ReBoot, the HAQ is assessed again, graphed, and compared and contrasted with your Pre-ReBoot graph for protocol results. Your NYCT Practitioner will identify HIGH and MODERATE areas with you and prescribe specific nutrition and lifestyle program design post-ReBoot. If a Before / After picture is a measurement of external results, the HAQ is a measurement of internal results. This is our most highly recommended assessment pinpointing many ailing conditions, many seemingly unrelated to the problem, in specific body systems that could be affecting your life and general well-being.
Diet, Exercise & Sleep Diary (DES)
Log Analysis and ConsultaionDiet, Exercise & Sleep Diary (DES) Log Analysis and Consultaion
The DES is a 10-day analysis with an NYCT Practitioner of your current lifestyle habits, including diet, sleep, exercise and more. Optimal food, exercise and sleep are assessed and prescribed by and NYCT Practitioner after initial review, optimizing a post-ReBoot nutrition and lifestyle plan the client can follow for continual and optimal results.
Please note: the 10-day DES is completed BEFORE starting ReBoot. This allows the NYCT Practitioner to assess current eating habits with the client, and compare/contrast with the results that ReBoot provides so that client experiences and understands the transformations that take place during the duration of the ReBoot protocol.
As a general example, if you purchased your ReBoot package today, your Day 1 to start your protocol would not be for 10 days. However, the 10-day DES is sent out within 24 hours the moment you purchase your ReBoot package online, allowing you to begin your DES, while the supplements and shakes of your protocol is sent via mail.
Metabolic Type Assessment
Metabolic Type Assessment
A comprehensive questionnaire to learn which ratio of foods are right for your unique, metabolic and genetic makeup. Learning your metabolic type effectively gives you the optimal combination of foods so you feel good, have maximum energy, mental clarity, etc so you're at your best each and every day- no need for fad, yo-yo dieting ever again, simply because you now know what ratio of foods is right for you, saving you time, money and optimizing your health and fitness results.
Exercise Program Design
Exercise Program Design
Recommended training/workout PDF during ReBoot that an NYCT Practitioner will discuss with you, and customize if necessary based on your current lifestyle and day-to-day schedule.
Health and Lifestyle Awareness
Assessment and ConsultationHealth and Lifestyle Awareness Assessment and Consultation
A consultation and review with an NYCT Practitioner of your own health and lifestyle awareness, including identifying your goals/motivation (Why are you doing ReBoot?), possible self-destructive habits, obstacles, plus more.
Post-ReBoot Maintenance
Plan and RemindersPost-ReBoot Maintenance Plan and Reminders
A 10+ page comprehensive maintenance plan to follow after you finish your ReBoot protocol, including the foundation principles of health to adhere to on a daily basis for your most optimal health. This plan is the equivalent of 3-4 hours of consulting with an NYCT Practitioner ($500+ value), and designed to be an educational piece that you can follow and refer back to literally for the rest of your life.
Payment Plan Eligible
Payment Plan Eligible
Start your ReBoot PRO or TRANSFORM protocol with a 50% down payment, and 50% due by the end of your protocol. If you are interested in this, please do not purchase this package online, and instead call 1-888-123-4567 to setup your protocol and payment plan.
Grocery Store, Brand and
Cost Savings Preferred ListGrocery Store, Brand and Cost Savings Preferred List
Not all foods and brands are created equal! The food industry is VERY deceptive, as you can learn more about in Jon's book, Back to Basics - Everything They Have Told You About Nutrition Is Wrong. The comprehensive list we provide is a culmination of 10+ years of investigation of the top quality products, brands and deals available. You will learn which foods and brands are the best and used by NYCT Practitioners themselves. We also include the best places to buy and save money, including discount secrets and newsletter recommends for further costs savings and more.
Physiological Load Assessment
Physiological Load Assessment
Did you know that stress, no matter the cause - bankruptcy, divorce, car accident, or running from the sabretooth tiger 10,000+ years ago - has the same physiological response in the body? On the biochemical level, the physiological response is identical - "fight or flight" - even though sabretooths have been extinct for 10,000+ years - the human body has adapted the same stress mechanisms over its evolution and adaptation. Stress is stress… and it can actually make you fat! Today, the stress "load" can come from many more stimuli than what was available 10,000+ years ago - nutritional stress, environmental stress, mental stress, social stress, economic stress, and so on. The Physiological Load Assessment helps identify the major stresses that can be affecting your life, and with the coaching of an NYCT Practitioner, a stress-reduction action plan is devised.
Food Intolerance Screening
Food Intolerance Screening
Analysis with an NYCT Practitioner of foods like grain, dairy, etc. intolerance or sensitivities that could be affecting your health and you didn't even know it; many times of which are affecting the body negatively in seemingly unrelated body systems.
For example- Do you have low back pain? or are you gluten intolerant? Both can go hand-in-hand and be interconnected, and often overlooked with a conventional doctor low-back "specialist" when diet is not assessed and the patient is eating grains that contain gluten. This is a freebie from us to you, if you have low back pain, or even any sort of joint pain, simply get off all gluten for a few weeks and see if your pain goes away. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't and can be other issues an NYCT practitioner can address, but this is a simple test you can apply yourself before you spend money seeing a specialist or even consider more drastic measures like surgery.
Toxic Home & Office
ChecklistToxic Home & Office Checklist
A complete check list of toxins that could be affecting your body, including household products, shampoos, deodorants, and the alternatives NYCT recommends for each and used by NYCT Practitioners themselves.
DiallN PackagePost-ReBoot DiallN Package
A complete DialIN Package ($899 value) for a the most complete transformation package NYCT offers. Package includes everything offered in DialIN, for a total of 60-days of unlimited email support, and further customization for your complete health, exercise and lifestyle goals. After the duration of this 60-day period, not only will you have transformed and reached your goals, but you will have the applied knowledge you can use and apply for the rest of your life, including positively influencing your family, friends and loved ones with the equivalent of the "4-year college education" many feel they have obtained after they finish ReBoot TRANSFORMATION.
$100 Cash Credit
for NYCT Online Store$100 Cash Credit for NYCT Online Store
$100 cash credit for the online store for anything that you need. Many people use this to apply to their monthly maintenance supplements and shakes, or a DialedIN package (30-days unlimited email coaching) for a total of 90-days of coaching and consulting.